
Be careful little ears what you hear

Sis- so many times, we lend our ears with out the protection of God. Can you think of a time, that your mind changed, your view changed, your thoughts changed based on ONE conversation with someone? Based on this conversation or conversations you now start seeing everything he or she shared with you, in the precise way it was framed to you. Prior to this, these thoughts, and perceptions were not there. So what happened?

Sis, sip on this…
Were you swayed? Do you now have feelings that were previously not there? Do you now harbor bitterness and resentment, and catch yourself talking about the very same thing? Watching every move carefully. Worst- you are now fighting their battle.

Sis, you didn’t guard your heart.

"Above all else, guard your heart, for everything you do flows from it"
Proverbs 4:23 NIV

Our heart reflects our thoughts, words and actions. Although, lending our ears may seem like the right thing to do, lending our unprotected ears can likely damage our heart. Our heart needs guarding. Guarding our heart, may look more like protecting our eyes and ears, the very windows to our heart.

Put down the weapons, the need to defend, and your tainted view, and begin guarding your heart.

Your sis-
Audrey Jo 

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