
Have you ever been overwhelmed with the noise that you want to run and hide?

There have been a few times in my life where I felt that there was so much stimulus in my life that I wanted to run. And I wanted to run FAR.

In the natural it appears as though you are running away from your difficult situation due to fear, stress or some might think you are caving into the pressure.

SIS, SIP ON THIS: Maybe that so called “caving in “ is more about “leaning in” - leaning into the one whom is higher than you. Your desire to flee could be your spirit needing divine direction.

Sometimes, drowning out the noise is the one thing that can ground you to ultimately propel you to the next chapter or season. Reestablish boundaries that have possibly been overlooked because of the noise and the “ to-do’s”. The gearing up may not always look, feel or smell pretty. It might look hopeless, feel like defeat , and smell like failure but in reality, it’s just what you may need to hear a fresh word from the Lord.

There were 2 men that were polar opposites, one good, one evil. One who was confident in his doings and the other desperately seeking refuge. At face value the one who appeared confident may look like the champion and the other who temporarily fled the scene looked like a coward. What is seen in the natural could very well be the exact the opposite in the spirit.

"So Ahab went to eat and drink. But Elijah climbed to the top of Mount Carmel and bowed low to the ground and prayed with his face between his knees."
1 King 18:42

The LORD said,
“Go out and stand on the mountain in the presence of the LORD, for the LORD is about to pass by.”

Are you positioned to hear your marching orders? It’s okay, to take a step back and place your head between your knees, I believe Elija in the Bible did this to cover his ears, so he can position himself to hear, adjust and ultimately conquer. After you stand or kneel through the torturous winds, fires, earthquakes you hear the whisper gentle whisper of God.

Sis, I pray for your freedom to seek refuge in the cave, drown out the noise and stand in the presence of God. Hear His whisper.

Your sis-
Audrey Jo

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