Sipping Scripture-Devotional — devotional inspirational

Is this outfit too revealing? If so, it’s perfect!

Is this outfit too revealing? If so, it’s perfect!

Is this outfit too revealing? If so, it’s perfect!

Sis, sip on this...

Does your wardrobe speak for you?
So many times, women of all ages…yes all ages, are handing their voice to their outfits. I can recall a time when I was more concerned about getting the attention of a man, so much so that the tighter the outfit, the more seductive, somehow made me feel better about myself. I’ve come along way (thank you Lord).

Your dot matters!

Your dot matters!

Your dot matters! Sis, sip-on this...

What if you are part of the answer. Have you wondered when will our world will get back to normal and wonder how can your tiny efforts matter?

Sis, sip on this... are you trying to keep it ALL together?

Sis, sip on this... are you trying to keep it ALL together?

Sis, sip on this... are you trying to keep it ALL together?

When I reflect on my life, I often see a juggling act play out in my mind. I begin to take a deep breath as I visualize the responsibilities I have and I take another deep breath because it’s exhausting just thinking about it. I can’t help but wonder “ how other woman do it“. AND secretly wonder, does any other sis feel like this. As woman we desire to be great moms, a great wife, reliable and successful employee, or a successful employer, and so forth. So then why do we still feel inadequate and exhausted?

Is 2022 your year?!

Is 2022 your year?!
Is 2022 your year?

Sis, I know you have made new resolutions for 2022. I bet I can guess a few of them: eating better, start a work-out regime, declutter…am I right?
Well, it’s the second week of 2022, and I am curious, how is it going? I believe all these well intended resolutions are good, but I also believe establishing resolutions are our attempts to live a life of fulfillment.

So Much To Do- So How Can You REST in 2022!?

So Much To Do- So How Can You REST in 2022!?
So Much To Do- So How Can You REST in 2022!?
It is so sad that after all these years, I am finally able to see the value of rest. I literally believed that resting was a form of laziness. Please do not judge me, but it was true.