Sipping Scripture-Devotional — Testimony

What are you advertising!?

What are you advertising!?

Did you know that you are a walking billboard?

Isn’t it interesting how those large billboards off the highway, grab our attention? They reveal their message in a BIG way. These billboards are costly and very effective.

Do you have a one track mind? Do you race through your day?

Do you have a one track mind?  Do you race through your day?

Do you have a one track mind?  Do you race through your day? What is really fueling your actions? 

☕️Sip on this- do you jump for joy in a personal storm?

☕️Sip on this- do you jump for joy in a personal storm?

  #sippingscripture ☕️#verseoftheday Do you jump for joy in a personal storm? So many years, during my trials and tribulations, I cried, felt angry, and one of my faves was the “ silent treatment”. Ugh...when I think back now, I cringe at my behavior. Is it ok to cry in your pain? Absolutely. Is it ok to feel angry? Absolutely. So long as we don’t hold on to that anger. So why does the Bible say: “Dear brothers and sisters, when troubles of any kind come your way, consider it an opportunity for great joy.”‭‭Maybe because our joy comes from...

Stand. Don’t Quit. Praise Him. Your Chain will Break.

Stand. Don’t Quit. Praise Him. Your Chain will Break.

Monday Melody with Audrey Jo MunozStand. Don’t Quit. Praise Him. Your Chain Will Break. At once all the prison doors flew open, and everyone’s chains came loose. Acts 16:26I have had the privilege of connecting with women of all ages and those experiencing hardship, doubt, persecution, fear, suicidal thoughts, death and disease. I don’t have the answer of why. But by the grace of God, He allowed me to have the conviction that whatever any woman encounters; it is because He needs you. He knows you will overcome. He knows your victory. He trusts you. Your chains WILL come loose....

My GIFT to you, my sister...

Audrey Munoz

Tags christian gifts, gifts, jewelry, Testimony

My GIFT to you, my sister...
My 🎁 to you, my sister-LOOK UP...