Sipping Scripture-Devotional — helpful tips

Have you had a conversation "gone bad"?

Have you had a conversation "gone bad"?

Have you had a conversation "gone bad"?

I believe we have all had a conversation that left us scratching our head and saying “ that’s not what I expected”. I believe sometimes, even the one who initiated the conversation was not expecting the direction (down south) it took. You sit back and secretly wish you hadn’t said anything at all.

How can we avoid this?

I did it-AGAIN!

I did it-AGAIN!

I did it-AGAIN!

Sis, do you find yourself doing the same thing over & OVER, even though you promised yourself you wouldn’t?

Save Me ( from myself)

Save Me ( from myself)

  ☕️ Save me- (from myself).   Have you uttered these words?  Save Me! Seemingly good and well intended actions  can actually be a plea for help.   Years ago, I was a jogger. I remember one evening I was jogging and I was battling a certain issue. The safety and well-being of my daughter. I loved her so much. She was my ONE and only and I treasured her. So much so that, it became unhealthy.  I was very overprotective.   You might think, Audrey Jo- that’s not a bad thing but that may not be entirely true.  Because,...

Do you have a one track mind? Do you race through your day?

Do you have a one track mind?  Do you race through your day?

Do you have a one track mind?  Do you race through your day? What is really fueling your actions? 

#Mondaymoments with Audrey Jo

Audrey Munoz

Tags bible forcwomen, devotional, Faith, helpful tips, jewelry, Overwhelmed, Scripture

#Mondaymoments with Audrey Jo

I believe this is our time to talk with God. Ask Him to show you your heart. Your heart. What is in your heart that God wants to make whole, healed and strong yet fragile for Him? What is crowding your heart that God wants to remove? Will you surrender that?
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